Course Overview
Building on the basic course, we will cover more advanced topics and use the special features in Python programming.
Course Content
1. Organizing and Structuring Projects in Python
- Virtual Python environment
- Version management
2. Modularisation
- Global modules
- Local modules
- Packages
- Importlib
3. Iterators
- Comprehension
- Chained lists
- Generators
4. Object-Oriented Programming in Python
- Classes and objects
- Access to attributes
- Inheritance
5. Naming Conventions and Best Practices
6. System Functions
- The modules os, sys, psutil
- Standard input and output
- Working with files
7. Working with Third-Party Packages
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- Pandas
- Scipy
- etc.
8. Testing and Tuning
- Automated testing
- Logging
- Performance Analysis
- Optimization
9. Simple Web Applications with Python
- Django
10. Outlook Machine Learning with Python
11. Outlook Network Programming with Python
12. Python Hosting
- Program Distribution
- Python in SQL Server
- Python in Power BI
13. Programming Style, Best Practices
Who should attend
Entry-level Python developers who want to deepen their knowledge and skills and Python developers who want to make the step from script to application.
Previous course ! or ! or equivalent knowledge
Course Objectives
After this course you will be able to use Python in a deeper and more efficient way to develop more complex scripts or whole applications.